6 months old


Paisley is now 6 months old… She continues to grow, develop, learn and make life interesting for us. Developmentally, she is at about the 4-5 month mark (her corrected age is 3.5 months so this means she is slowly catching up!). She rolls a lot from her tummy to her back, giggles and laughs often, grabs her toys and puts them in her mouth, and can sit with a little support. She also growls… a lot. I can be dead tired while changing her diaper at 3 in the morning, but when Paisley lets out a deep, loud growl and then a huge smile comes across her face, I realize just how much love I have for her and how full she makes my life. Paisley also likes us to hold her up so she can stand. We all thought this was so cute and that she was so strong, but found out from her developmental specialist doctor at Children’s today, that this is a common preemie thing and actually indicates that her abdominal muscles are much weaker than her back muscles. Because it can hinder her ability to learn how to sit independently, Miss Paisley is now prohibited from bearing weight on her legs until she is able to sit on her own and pull herself up to a standing position by herself.

At her most recent appointment, Paisley weighed just under 13 lbs. Her weight is at about the 20th percentile, her height is the 15th percentile, and her head circumference is in the 75th percentile. So she is very small with a big head… but she looks absolutely perfect to us!  Paisley continues to sleep well – she usuallly only wakes up once to feed at night. She went through what we think was a growth spurt, where she reverted back to waking up twice a night to feed, but this has since resolved. We have officially started giving Paisley rice cereal and oatmeal cereal with a spoon. She isn’t quite sure what to make of it, but it’s a work in progress. And finally… we have been successful in slowly introducing some breast milk into her diet. Yeah!

Paisley now has her routine 6 month shots, her flu shot, and her third RSV shot under her belt. Because she now has more immunity to some of the scariest bugs out there, Jordon and I have relaxed our policies on taking Paisley into public and on who can be around her and hold her. We still are diligent about having everyone wash their hands and keeping sick people away from her, but other than that, we are now starting to share Miss Paisley with more of the world.

One final piece of good news… Paisley’s blood pressure is now normal and she officially off all blood pressure medication!!


Paisley with her future husband Mason.

Paisley with her future husband Mason.

With Auntie Lori.

With Auntie Lori.

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With Auntie Lisa.

With Auntie Lisa.

With her cousin Ryelin.

With her cousin Ryelin.

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Making progress with sitting in the bumbo.

Making progress with sitting in the bumbo.

Her uncle Hans and cousin Ryelin.

Her uncle Hans and cousin Ryelin.


Trying out her high chair for the first time.

Trying out her high chair for the first time.


Only a dad would do this :)

Only a dad would do this 🙂

We aren't sure if Miko loves Paisley or just hovers around her in hopes of licking some fomula off her face.

We aren’t sure if Miko loves Paisley or just hovers around her in hopes of licking some fomula off her face.

Jordon finally completed his Piper tatoo.

Jordon finally completed his Piper tatoo.

Loving her Oma.

Loving her Oma.

Celebrating her cousin Ryelin's birthday.

Celebrating her cousin Ryelin’s birthday.

3 responses »

  1. So many great pictures! Paisley is ADORABLE! What great news about her eating some human food and taking breast milk! I’m glad you mentioned Paisley’s fitful nights of sleep awhile back. We’re in the same stage with Vivi. She was sleeping wonderfully until this week. She now wakes up about twice a night. It’s exhausting! I’m hoping she’s going through a growth spurt and will be back to normal soon.

    BTW – The picture of her with all the toys is hilarious! That would be something Jordon would do. Haha, glad he’s having fun with her during the day 🙂

  2. It is so much fun seeing pictures of Paisley and reading about her progress and the joy she has brought to your lives! I know how much Leslie loves spending time with her and it reminds me of the timeI spent with her tripletts! You and Jordan are blessed!

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